nLab essential ideal


Let CC be some category of modules or bimodules (say over a ring, algebra, or operator algebra). Then an subobject MNM\subset N is an essential submodule of NN (or, we say that NN is an essential extension of MM) if MM has nonzero intersection (pullback in more abstract situations) with any nonzero subobject of NN (or equivalently, MM has zero intersection with only the zero subobject of NN). In C *C^\ast-algebraic setup the ideals in the definition are required to be closed and 2-sided.

In particular, one applies this terminology to ideals, i.e. submodules (or subbimodules in the 22-sided case) of a ring, algebra, or operator algebra itself. Hence we talk about essential ideals. For essential extensions, one considers extensions of algebras, where ‘essential’ still refers to non-intersection with submodules rather than with subalgebras?.

A monomorphism of modules i:MNi:M\to N is an essential embedding if NN is an essential extension of i(M)i(M). This alternative terminology is useful to motivate the notion of essential embeddability in NN as a property of MM.

If RR is a ring a (say, left) RR-module M0M\neq 0 is uniform if every nonzero submodule of MM is essential. In other words, the intersection of any two nonzero submodules of MM is nonzero.


  • wikipedia essential extension
  • K. R. Goodearl, R. B. Warfield, An introduction to noncommutative Noetherian rings, London Math. Society Student Texts 16 (1st ed,), 1989, xviii+303 pp.; or 61 (2nd ed.), 2004, xxiv+344 pp.


the following generalization is considered. A morphism h in a class HH of morphisms in a category CC is HH-essential if for every morphism gg, the composite ghg\circ h lies in HH only if gg does. If HH is the class of monomorphisms we get the standard notion of an essential extension.

Last revised on June 28, 2024 at 21:57:18. See the history of this page for a list of all contributions to it.